Case Study 3: HP – Microsoft Hololens2


HP Indigo is a well-known manufacturer of digital printing presses, which are mainly used for both commercial and industrial purposes. At their main site in Israel, those presses are being produced and developed for many years now. HP trusts mt unirepair as a service partner in the repair and refurbishment of spare parts on component level. This decision was taken with regard to sustainability goals and corporate values.

One of HP Indigo’s latest innovations is to use Microsoft’s Hololens2 for training purposes. Using accurate haptic representations combined with precise procedures, the VR glasses show step-by-step instructions with a visual preview of each step.

The challenge

The main task is to reset the glasses to a neutral state – comparable to a smartphone that changes hands.

Since HP Indigo is not the original manufacturer, the general handling needs special attention. It is crucial that all accessories are available in order to ensure the best user experience, for instance. The procurement of those accessories was one of the main challenges. In addition, the materials, especially those of the lens itself, are very sensitive when it comes to cleaning. However, a certain level of hygiene must be observed.

The solution

First of all, a procedure was drawn up in co-operation with the quality department, engineers, technicians and other parties. It describes the process starting with the receipt of the glasses, the test procedure, the reset and the cleaning, through to troubleshooting and the return of the glasses.

The technicians were of course trained properly. For the cleaning, the best method was analysed and implemented. A special sensitive cleaning agent is being used to ensure a certain hygiene while the lense doesn’t suffer from aggressive ingredients. For the accessories, all already existing sources were checked. All parts that were not procurable from Microsoft itself underwent a quality check. The resulting report was discussed with the customer in order to fulfil the customer’s wishes and obligations.

The result

Ultimately, a project resulted in a new process that can be implemented excellently in practice. Thanks to teamwork and good communication, everything is running smoothly and the Hololenses are handled in an excellent turnaround time. A lot of HP Indigo’s customers and employees benefit from this new way of doing maintenance and enjoy working with this new miracle of technology